UTMB - start 2019

UTMB – Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, una dintre cele mai populare competiții de alergare montană din lume, programată în perioada 24-30 august 2020, este pusă sub semnul întrebării de către alergătorii pasionați din întreaga lume.

Organizatorii spun însă că sunt optimiști și speră că evenimentul nu va suferi nicio amânare.

Iată comunicatul oficial al UTMB:

Dear community, fellow runners,
This is obviously a very challenging time for us all. We are thinking of all of you, citizens of the world, mothers and fathers, children, grandparents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, friends. There is no doubt that together we will overcome this challenge.

You are all wondering whether the UTMB® Mont-Blanc will be maintained and this is a legitimate question. The UTMB® organization has always done its best to ensure that we are a caring, responsible event that it is aware of the world in which it operates. Faced with the current situation, the UTMB® Mont-Blanc will obviously demonstrate its civic-mindedness and adapt to the rules laid down by the government authorities
It means that we could need to adapt our operations in order to preserve your health and safety. But, to date, with more than 5 months left before the event, neither the date nor the organization of the UTMB® Mont-Blanc are in question. Of course, the organization is carefully monitoring the situation and everyone will be informed if there is any change.

We hope to see you all in August!
Just as you commit to the rules of every race, it is essential for us all now to take responsibility and follow the advice and protocols as given by health authorities and the government. As such, the UTMB® Mont-Blanc organization will remain highly attentive to how the situation evolves, and ensure that all our information channels remain open for further news and updates. Take care about yourself and your relatives.
We hope to see you all in August!
the whole UTMB® team

Sursa: UTMB

Evenimentul adună în fiecare an peste 10.000 de alergători, care participă la cele șapte curse UTMB. Alte cifre impresionante: 2.000 de voluntari, 20.000 de suporteri pe traseu și 50.000 de vizitatori care vin în tabăra de bază, unde se organizează expoziții și tot felul de evenimente legate de fenomen.

By Emilian Nedelcu

Editor Biciclistul.ro | emilian.nedelcu@gmail.com | 0724.479.508 | FACEBOOK | | YOUTUBE

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