Antrenament inot - bazin

Distanță: 2200m

Pentru acest antrenament ai nevoie de Pull Buoy

Warm Up – 400 metri

2 x 100m
Swim backstroke.▸ Increase effort level from 1 to 4 with every 25m. The last 25m should be your fastest!▸ Rest 20s after each interval

1 x 200m
Swim a reverse medley sequence with 50m each (front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly).

Main Set – 1500 metri

1 x 200m
Swim a reverse medley sequence with 50m each (front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly).
3 x 400m
Swim front crawl.▸ Increase effort level from 1 to 4 with every 100m. The last 100m should be your fastest!▸ Rest 60s after each interval
1 x 100m
Alternate 50m front crawl and 50m another stroke or drill of your choice.

Cool Down – 300 metri

3 x 100m
Swim back stroke with a pull buoy.▸ Rest 30s after each interval

By Emilian Nedelcu

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